Advanced avionics and data processing
1st Jun 2017

InnoSpaceComm Project

endurosat innospacecomm project

EnduroSat is proud to announce it has initiated “InnoSpaceComm” Project for engineering and development of innovative space communication systems and services for the nano/microsatellite market. The specific objectives of the project are to develop and deploy a novel communication infrastructure – both on-board the satellites and on the ground, to provide unique capability for space to Earth communication at significantly lower cost to European industry, research and education sectors. The successful implementation of the InnoSpaceComm project will open vast opportunities for innovative services and data-driven applications to European entrepreneurs and SME companies. It will provide them access to the market much faster. By securing the new communication infrastructure space- ground-space at a significantly lower cost and educational program supporting it, all new companies will leverage it by focusing directly on Earth-based applications and services and data analysis (examples: more advanced Smart city solutions, space education with hands-on experience, logistics through higher data transfers, Earth observation, disaster management).


european-union-logoInnoSpaceComm project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, SME Instrument Phase 2 under grant agreement No 768049.